Secure Exam Data Exchange Service

Information for LEAs

Getting an overview of RM SecureNet

At RM we recognise that LEA's play a crucial role in supporting administration software and hardware within schools.

We would like LEAs to feel that they can recommend SecureNet to their schools with confidence. To help achieve this we offer a range of options to assist LEAs in seeing how RM SecureNet can benefit their schools:

  • RM SecureNet free trial
    A trial account can be provided to use within the LEA's training facility or within a school of choice.

  • Presentations
    Demonstrations of RM SecureNet can be arranged for LEA staff or Examination Officer meetings.

To organise either a free trial, presentation or to discuss potential LEA wide concessions for using RM SecureNet please email Lucy Traves.

You may also be interested in having a look at the following web page which reprints a discussion that was recently held on a school network manager's email list. The discussion highlights the positive impact SecureNet has had within many schools:

What do school network managers think?

Access to SecureNet technical experts

If the majority of schools within an LEA are using RM SecureNet then we can provide LEA technical support teams with direct access to RM SecureNet specialist support and operations engineers. Enabling LEA staff to get immediate access to information and support assistance.

Pricing and Order Codes

The RM SecureNet service carries an annual charge.

Part No. Description Price (PA)
0K1 - 942 RM SecureNet
Exam Edition subscription



Ordering SecureNet

(tel) 0870 9086868
(fax) 01235 826708

Securenet pdf